Friday, October 23, 2009

Action for Aids

Action for Aids

Action for Aids

客户:Action for Aids
Big idea:擦枪走火
问题:多数的人们对艾滋病是闻风丧胆却不采取防范措施,有如怕得癌症者不对香烟敬而远之。人们常常都觉得自己不会是踩到地雷的那位幸运先生。这种心态说明的是挑战‘机率’问题。差枪走火的概念是从莫非定律延伸出来,这表示着那些有些疑虑或完全不担忧的对象是在挑战几率问题。他们绝大部分都是属于善于发挥cognitive dissonance思考的人们。

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Durex: What's Next ?

Durex: Look invisible. Feel invincible

Big idea/ Head line: Look invisible. Feel invincible.

Supporting points /Sub headline: when you feel no wearing at all.

Problems: As Durex is introducing its new product that could let the users feel natural when they are using Durex new condom, it’s new marketing message should be very precise to associate its USP.

Execution: The only reason people were not using condom is mostly due to its constrained feeling. What’s more? This product is nothing but revolutionary.

Sadeaf: Cool code. Be multilingual


Bid idea: Cool code. Be Multilingual
Supporting points/sub head line: Learn now and you know what this means.
Problems: People do have enough time to learn and pick up new language skills, but very often there’s only a few would consider sign language as their priority. Living in a multicultural country means the target group would expose to different mainstream and useful language. This will cause a large segment of people to develop more interest in mainstream foreign language like French, Spanish, Japanese and etc.
Execution: To raise more awareness among target groups, the cool code is the idea to add the ‘cool’ image to sign language. In Singapore, it is common for young adults and working professionals to learn a second or third language. In order to make it more appealing and relevant to daily life, the target group need to perceive it as relevant as it could be their next language to pick up. When most of the people had seen the ‘Be multilingual’ message, they might only think of French, Japanese and etc.

Brands chicken essence

一见钟情 还是好酒沉瓮底

  1. 客户:白朗氏鸡精。
  2. Big idea: 更多精力,更多小时 。
  3. Supporting points:白郎氏让你更精神,更省下时间。
  4. 问题:如何更能强调白朗氏鸡精的益处(学习所需的精神)?
    想法: 这个逻辑就有如某银行强调他们从不睡觉来突显自己的效率。当然,对于所有渴望从生活中能获得更多精力的客户来说,他们需要的是时间。更多的精力相等于他们能更快的把工作完成,从而获取,更多时间。时间=精神=效率